Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What Are You Reading During The Holidays?

Hi everyone!

I hope you're all having a fantastic holiday and taking time to read the wonderful books you chose in the last week of term.

Tell us about what you are currently reading - don't forget to include your name, the title of the book, the author(s) and tell us your opinion of the book.

Would you recommend this book to others?  Why?  Who would the book suit - who would be interested in reading it?

I'm really looking forward to reading your thoughts and commenting back to you.

At the moment I'm doing a lot of reading for my university work, but I've also found time to read a lot of interesting articles online and a couple of non-fiction books too.  Making time for reading is always important and it's fantastic to see how important all of you are making it in your lives!!

Remember, the more you read, the more fantastic a reader you will be.  I am so proud of the effort you are putting into your learning and, in particular, your reading!!  Not only is this great for you academically, reading is just one of the best hobbies / interests you can have.

Afterall, what other hobby allows you to escape to other worlds and create your own movie in your head??!!  Fantastic!!!!!

Read anything and everything you can!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Literature Circle Books

Hi everyone
Today you'll spend a bit of time reading your new Literature Circle books.  Think about the following questions and then add your thoughts as a group.

Remember to add your names to your comments and include the title of the book your group is reading.  Don't forget to think about what your audience needs to know - what you need to include in your comments - so that they understand what you mean.  Please also keep an eye on those surface features - all part of reader courtesy.

  • What made you choose your book?  As good readers, what made you decide that this was the book you were going to read?

  • Summarise what you've read so far.

  • Predict what may happen in the book over the next few chapters.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Using MyChatPak to 'Sell' Our Books and Get Everyone Into The Reading Habit

This week we're going to be trialling our fabulous new teaching and learning tool - MyChatPak - to encourage other people to read some of the fantastic books we've been reading.

We're going to be creating videos to upload here to tell you about some of these books and some will have a written review to go along with them.

We may also be able to encourage our ESOL students to contribute reviews over the next couple of weeks so please encourage everyone on here by giving us lots of feedback about how we're using this tool.

If you like what you see and are interested in trialling the product, please contact me.