This page is where you can find reviews for some fantastic books. 

If you have a review, please send it to:  and I will publish it for you on here.

Remember to include the important features of an effective adn well-written book review.  For tips and tricks, click on the link below.

You will also need to make sure that you've stuck to any of the copyright rules if you've used pictures, photos, etc.

Help A Child Write A Book Review

Christchurch Kids Blog - Writing Book Reviews


The link here (above in the title as well as below) will take you to some fantastic book reviews written by a few of our ESOL students.  They are learning to become more confident in speaking and writing in English and they would love your feedback.


  1. Madison and OciaaMay 7, 2013 at 2:36 PM

    by gary paulsen
    brian is a city boy he's not use being alone outside the country until he finds...Read the book to find out more

  2. This book we are reading is Eagle Strike by Anthony Horowitz.We like the book so much even though we have only read a little bit. We chose this book beacause Alex Rider has only 90 minutes to save the world

    By Logan and Keanu

  3. In our group we are reading only you can save Mankind and we are on chapter 2.And the charters names are Wobble,johnny

  4. Heroes Of Olympus by Rick Riordan.

    Slowly Jason comes to his senses, he finds himself sitting in the back of a bus with two COMPLETE strangers, a girl with long dark hair that claims to be his girlfriend and a boy claiming to be his best friend with a smile that could paralyze.
    How would you feel if your mind had been blanked by a lady who claims she is Hera the Greek goddess! Jason has to embark on a life and death quest that will change his life for ever to save this so called Hera...
    will they survive and if they do will Jason and the girl Piper's relationship flourish.
