Sunday, December 30, 2012

We're On Holiday But The Reading Never Stops!

Hi everyone!
I hope you're enjoying the holidays.
How's the reading going?  This is the perfect time to read and relax - disappear into a fantastic book.
What are you reading?  Tell us about it by adding a comment.  Parents and other adults, we'd love to read about what you're reading too!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This Week's Task

Recommend the Literature Circles book your group is reading to someone else.  Why should they read it?  Remember to include the title, author and your reflections.
If you use a quote, remember to quote correctly in the right format and include the page number the quote came from.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Your Parents' / Teachers' Favourite Books When They Were Your Age

Hi everyone!
Welcome to another wonderful week of reading and exploring our thinking. 

This week's discussion is all about your parents' favourite books when they were your age.  What did they love to read?  Get them to share their thoughts on the blog, or you could add them for them as comments.

I can't wait to hear what they loved!  I loved the Trixie Belden series!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Group Reflections on Literature Circles

Your task is to reflect on what's been happening in our Literature Circles programme over the last few weeks.  Has it changed your attitude towards reading?  Do you enjoy it more?  What is the value of it?  What's the difference between Literacy and Literature???  Be really precise and clear on this. :-)

This is your chance to sell this programme and encourage others to use Literature Circles in their teaching and learning. 


Here's your chance to recommend your favourite books / authors to the rest of the world.  Add your ideas / recommendations as comments below.

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Wee Reminder and a Challenge to your Critical Thinking

Hi everyone

Don't forget to add your name to the comments you're making so I know who's been on.  Loving the discussion so far!  Keep up the awesome effort :-)

Don't forget to be critical thinkers.  Don't just say that you loved the book and it's the best book ever, etc.  You need to go deeper in your thinking.  Why is it the best book you've ever read?  What does the author do that captures your attention?

Think about what YOU do as a writer - Audience Awareness and Purpose, Content and Ideas, Structure, Language Resources - all those fantastic areas of writing you think about when YOU are the authors and you are exactly that!!  When you write - YOU are the author, so get that critical thinking going my fabulous learners.

Discussion 5 * Why did you choose the book you're reading?

Discussion 4 * Why did the author write the book? What was his / her purpose?

Discussion 3 * Explain what the characters are like in your book - describe in detail.

Discussion 2 * Is the book you're reading at the moment good for you and why?

Discussion 1 * Outline the plot / storyline of the Literature Circles book you are reading at the moment.


Hi everyone
Jump on and join in the discussions this week.  The teachers and learners in Room 4 are in charge so look out for some interesting debates and discussions.

Each of the discussions will be on here as a new and separate POST - so we don't get muddled.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The First Task of the Week!

Hi everyone!  I am really enjoying reading your comments - great to see some discussion going on between people too.  Don't forget to add which group you are in - names :-)

Your first task this week is around AUTHOR'S PURPOSE:

Learning Intention:
  • Identify why the author wrote this text and respond thoughtfully to the author’s point of view.  (Why did the author choose to write this book – give your opinions / ideas).
Success Criteria:
  • Think about why the author wrote this text.  (What was he / she wanting to achieve by writing and publishing the text?)

  • Identify inconsistencies, gaps in the information given.  (Is there anything missing from the text that you think should be in there? - Be critical thinkers here).

  • Ask myself questions about what the author wants me to believe and what I want to believe.  (What is the author's message in the text - do you believe it?  Do you agree or disagree with it??)
Get the discussion going and be critically reflective about the author's purpose.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Some of Our Critical Thinking Readers in Action This Week

Finding out about how much fun you can have reading - and relax at the same time!
Groups can be 2 students or a maximum of 6 - if it's a really popular book!
Changing your learning environment to enjoy reading.  ("Bring on summer when we can get outside Miss!!")

Identifying The Main Idea / Summarising a Text

Hi everyone!
Thought I'd add another task for you, just to keep you on your toes!
In your groups today, you've discussed the main idea in the text you are reading in your groups and you've summarised the main events that have happened so far. 

Add your thoughts here for others to read and comment on - your discussion might inspire and encourage others to read the book you're reading.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey everyone!
Your task from today's session is to discuss the books you've started today.  This will be a group comment so you need to include everyone's opinions - remember Any and All Ideas Count!
Be specific in your comments and remember to justify your opinion.

Think about the following:

*What would your character be like if you met him / her / it in the street?  (Add your comments below - I'm looking forward to reading them!!)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reflecting On Our Reading

Hey everyone!  I'm loving reading about the books you're reading.  Remember to be critical thinkers - don't just say you loved a book or didn't enjoy a book.  You need to say 'Why' - this will show that you're thinking critically about what you're reading and that you can justify your opinions.  This is what GREAT READERS do - and all of you ARE great readers.
Don't forget to challenge each other's thinking - if you don't agree with someone else's opinion, start up a debate / discussion with them - remember to be respectful though.  It's important to value their opinions too.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's Term 4!! Let's get that reading going and the discussions started!!

Hi everyone!
I hope you've had a fantastic holiday and you kept up with your reading.  Remember, the more you read and the wider range you read, the faster your reading will improve and the more confident you will become as a reader.  You will also be able to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of books - what could be better??

Your task for this week:
Jump into the discussion and tell us about what you're reading at the moment.  Share your thoughts, ideas and opinions as comments below.  It's easy, just click on the comments button and go for it!  Miss H moderates all the comments so make sure you are checking what you write.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Welcome to Henderson Literature Circles!

Welcome to Henderson Intermediate's Literature Circles' blog. This blog was previously owned by Miss H when she was at Myross Bush School in Invercargill.  We have now claimed ownership of it and can't wait to share all the different books and ideas with everyone.

We are just learning about Literature Circles but we're quickly becoming professionals at them. 

Literature Circles is all about having fun, a love of reading and enjoying a good book.  It's also about a lot of discussion!

If you have any ideas, please share them with us by posting a comment at the bottom of this entry.  We'd also love you to become a Follower.

There will be lots of activities and questions for you to participate in, so come on in and enjoy the FUN with us!