Thursday, October 18, 2012

Identifying The Main Idea / Summarising a Text

Hi everyone!
Thought I'd add another task for you, just to keep you on your toes!
In your groups today, you've discussed the main idea in the text you are reading in your groups and you've summarised the main events that have happened so far. 

Add your thoughts here for others to read and comment on - your discussion might inspire and encourage others to read the book you're reading.


  1. The Second Forever
    by Colin Thompson

    This is a summary of The Second Forever so far!
    peter & festival are on a adventur to make the book that they deshtored again.

  2. Sorry The Second Forever summary comment is by Rhiannon Jaxson and Jade.

  3. Lol - what happens when you let your students use an extra laptop! Don't forget to proofread your comments O Wise Ones! :-)
