Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Book or Movie Debate

Emma wants to know - "What is better - the movie or the book?"  Why?


  1. the book because the book gives more details then the movie only lets you watch instead of reading and reading is more important.

  2. I think the movie is better cause books are to long and. most people like to watch movies all the time,

  3. I think that the movie is better because when we read a book sometimes I forget what happens but in a movie it is short so you can remember what happend.

  4. I think the books good but the movies better beacuse you don't forget what happend but in the book you forget what happend.

    by logan

  5. I think the book is better so you can picture the characters in your head and use your own imagination to decide how things look and feel. Also, there is so much more information in a book.
