Monday, February 29, 2016

What Were / Are Your Favourite Childhood Books?

As a child I loved Enid Blyton and the classics - Little Women, Jane Eyre, etc.  What are / were your favourites?  Please add a comment below to get the discussion going.  If you're not sure how to comment, please ask your children.  They're fantastic teachers!


  1. I love Black Beauty, and the old children's story's, The little mermaid, The tinderbox, The tin soldier, ect.

  2. I still read the EJ12 Girl Hero Series. I would recommend it for 8 year old girls.

  3. I don't have any favorite children books because I didn't really get into books when I was younger but I would read them.

  4. I absolutely LOVE the Gone Series By Michael Grant.

  5. I didn't really read books when I was little so I don't have any children books

  6. I love the Warriors and EJ12 girl hero books. I would reccomend Warriors to older, more mature readers as cats die and it involves blood and gore. EJ12 however I think pretty much any age could read it ^^ I also love Night Vision. And (OMG please understand this lol XD) I also like the book I'm writing XD Because you know people can relate closely to Millie and I can to. In fact I relate closely with Millie - very closely. XD

  7. I love 'Wonder' by R.J Palacio, 'Pirouette' by Robyn Bavati, 'Night Vision' by Ella West and 'How to live forever' by Colin Thompson.

  8. I liked Thomas the tank engine when i was tiny

  9. I love Little Women

  10. I forgot to add before - Harry Potter was my entire 7+ Childhood. I still read it Over and Over and Over.. :-)
